The Myth Of The Perfect Parent
The Myth of the Perfect Parent
Without getting to grips with this concept, you can easily go through your whole journey as a parent feeling like you're not good enough. You are likely to compare yourself to other parents and pick up on all those things you feel they are better than you at.
One of the biggest challenges in being a Mum, can be an on-going struggle to be the perfect parent, and in fact, one, that you are never going to achieve. AND WHY? Because there is no such thing as a perfect parent, you are always going to be pushing for something that isn’t an achievable expectation.
Let’s start by thinking about those around us that might LOOK like perfect parents….
What do you see? How might they look like the perfect parents to you, what do you know about them?
But let’s look a little deeper…
But what goes on around these people? Are they really happy? What could be going on behind closed doors? Do they have extra help? A Nanny to look after the children, a cleaner to take care of the house, lots of money to throw at challenges, something breaks, buy a new one, something needs doing, hire someone. But is that true to life?
So, what has this got to do with us.
We must stop comparing.
There is no such thing as a perfect parent, there will be things, underlying, in all of these thoughts of what looks like a perfect parent. Can you think of other Mums you see, who might portray the image of a perfect parent? The immaculately dressed lady on the school run, or play group, who look like they have everything in hand. Who knows what goes on at home, or how early they have to get up in the morning before their ‘little angels’ to make sure they look amazing on the outside, who knows what they are covering up on the inside.
The key is to stop comparing yourself to other parents, and to know deep down in your heart that you are an amazing mum, you are truly good enough, and you are doing a fantastic job bringing up your children. Of course, we can’t just click our fingers and truly believe this of ourselves.
I support Mums to help to embed empowering beliefs about themselves, that they embrace every day, but now, you can make a start on thinking about some simple affirmations for yourself. These will re-set your beliefs about yourself and negate the need to look outward at other people. Instead, look inward, at yourself to catch all the great things you are doing as a brilliant mum.
For example, you are a caring, and conscientious Mum, otherwise, why else would you be reading this, striving to become a better parent than you already are for the sake of your children. That’s the sign of an amazing Mum. You are doing a great job.
Connect with me for help with creating your own affirmations, or you'll find a copy in our Guide to Parenting Peacefully too.